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Debugging development performance in a NextJS application


  • Keep your dependencies up to date

    • Upgrade the prom-client library to at least version 11.
    • Check once in a while when was the last update of your dependencies
  • Remove unnecessary transpilations in the server
  • Improve the transpilations rules in next.config.js

A little of context

One of the great perks I have at work (aside of occasionally fly to other countries) is to work with websites that are in the top 10 of the most visited sites in their countries. The opportunity of improve and make a website that is very important for so many people. This is an exciting and humbling experience.

In many cases, the local teams are continually busy improving the product from a business perspective, and they don’t have all the time they would like to focus, explore and improve their sites technically, and this is the cue for me to help.

Why development mode in this application is slow?

During the time working with this local team, we noticed that the NextJS application is very slow in development mode, due to unknown reasons.

Other projects similar in size and technologies seem to not have this problem.

Comparison table

Project Boot time Hot Reload time
Fresh NextJS Installation ~3 sec ~1.5 sec
Marketplace in Tunisia and Dominican Republic ~15 sec ~5 sec
Marketplace in Belarus 1 - 2 min 30 - 60 sec

Comparatively the Belarusian site is 4X - 8X slower than the project from Tunisia and Dominican Republic, which uses similar technologies and tools.


Since this error arises when running the application, and it seems related to compilation/building/execution time, we should look for a way to get data of what is happening inside NodeJS.

For this, NodeJS provides the --prof command-line argument. This creates a profiling file on which we can get a summary of the results. More information here:

After running the profiling for both, development mode and production mode, these are my findings


These are the results of the profiling. Profiling gets a sample of what is happening inside the V8 engine and stores them. The first clue is in the distribution of the samples.

Most of them are in the C++ section, instead of JavaScript.

Ticks Total nonlib Name
17587 9.5% 9.6% JavaScript
165016 88.8% 90.0% C++
5324 2.9% 2.9% GC
2406 1.3% - Shared libraries
804 0.4% - Unaccounted

Bottom-up (heavy) profile:

ticks parent name
82034 44.1% T hostgetclockservice
70368 37.9% T _ZN2v88internal21BuiltinMakeTypeErrorEiPmPNS0_7IsolateE
17996 25.6% LazyCompile: *getHeapSpaceStatistics v8.js:146:32
17796 98.9% LazyCompile: * /Users/danilo.velazquez/dev/@kufar/kufar-fe/node_modules/prometheus-plugin-heap-stats/lib/index.js:74:22

So what does that means?

In synthesis, the single function that is being called and draining the 44.1% of the CPU is a call to get the current date. Following by the getHeapSpaceStatistics and the prometheus-plugin-heap-stats.

So, what about production?


The results for the production mode were slightly different, as we can see in the following table:

Ticks Total nonlib Name
22031 10.4% 10.5% JavaScript
182960 86.4% 87.5% C++
9325 4.4% 4.5% GC
2562 1.2% - Shared libraries
4096 1.9% - Unaccounted

Bottom-up (heavy) profile:

ticks parent name
98430 46.5% T _ZN2v88internal21BuiltinMakeTypeErrorEiPmPNS0_7IsolateE
27331 27.8% LazyCompile: *getHeapSpaceStatistics v8.js:146:32
27261 99.7% LazyCompile: * /Users/danilo.velazquez/dev/@kufar/kufar-fe/node_modules/prometheus-plugin-heap-stats/lib/index.js:74:22
27254 100% LazyCompile: *listOnTimeout internal/timers.js:480:25
27254 100% LazyCompile: *processTimers internal/timers.js:460:25
69383 32.8% T hostgetclockservice

The profiling is very similar, the only difference is the 1st and 2nd position in the Bottom Up change, but still, these are the same 2 functions we saw in development mode.

Wait, but why?

Let’s dissect the two functions in C++ that are hoarding more than 75% of the CPU.

T _host_get_clock_service This is a SYSCALL to the OS to get the current time. This is happening 32.8% of the time!!!

MakeTypeError MakeTypeError is a C++ method that is called whenever an error is thrown. If we look deeper into the log, we can see how this is related to the prometheus-plugin-heap-stats module. This module tries to get the current status of the memory heap at any given time.

In some way, both are related to the usage of Prometheus. So let’s further analyse the prometheus plugins.

Prometheus: are the metrics making the metrics worse?

So, for the sake of testing, we are going to disable the metrics in development and see if the performance and the profiling change.

Project Boot time Hot Reload time
Fresh NextJS Installation ~3 sec ~1.5 sec
Metrics Enabled 1 - 2 min 30 - 60 sec
Metrics Disabled ~26 sec ~3.5 sec

What about profiling?

Ticks Total nonlib Name
17812 19.9% 20.4% JavaScript
68056 76.1% 78.0% C++
8419 9.4% 9.6% GC
2161 2.4% - Shared libraries
1384 1.5% - Unaccounted

So the number of calls do change when we disabled prometheus for development. Has the Bottom Up calls changed too?

ticks parent name
56138 62.8% t _ZN2v88internalL60BuiltinImplStatsCallSitePrototypeGetScriptNameOrSourceURLEiPmPNS0_7IsolateE
16130 28.7% t _ZN2v88internalL60BuiltinImplStatsCallSitePrototypeGetScriptNameOrSourceURLEiPmPNS0_7IsolateE
2109 99.7% t _ZN2v88internalL60BuiltinImplStatsCallSitePrototypeGetScriptNameOrSourceURLEiPmPNS0_7IsolateE
106 5.0% LazyCompile: * /Users/danilo.velazquez/dev/@kufar/kufar-fe/nodemodules/webpack/nodemodules/enhanced-resolve/lib/AppendPlugin.js:18:30
924 1.0% T hostgetclockservice

Now the most expensive call is one related to webpack and to resolution of dependencies. Meanwhile, the T _host_get_clock_service have dropped from being called more than 35% of the time to just 1%.

Are we suffering from the Heisenberg principle?

Short answer: Yes. We knew that adding a metrics plugin will add to the overall performance since it is running in the same machine and instance of NodeJS.

So, how do we solve it?

The installed version of prom-client is the 9.1.1 (released in 2017), and the current version is 12.0.0. The installed version of prom-client uses some (now legacy) API of NodeJS to get information and metrics, and this is what is causing the performance problem. Solution: update the prom-client library to one is close to the version of NodeJS in use (in this case: v12). After removing this library, the usage of C++ in the profiler drops by ~10%, which is enough to shorten the waiting times of NextJS for compile, but is still high.

Further optimisations can be made in order to get more performance, for example:

  • Removing the usage of babel in code rendered in NodeJS, since most of those functions are now native to the platform, and they are just adding overhead to the V8 engine.
  • Avoid complex regex matchers in next.config.js. A lot of the power process is being used to traverse the folders inside node_modules, and see if they match or don’t with the regex.

    • A solution is to duplicate the rules, but one to exclude and then, another to include the exceptions (this order is important)
    • Remove dependencies that are not being used
    • Remove not used dependencies
  • Move Cypress to another repository (Cypress has a lot of dependencies)
  • Analyse the difficulty of move code from Koa to ExpressJS, to in the future remove all the Koa dependencies and use Express, which is included in NextJS